OriGoldstein.com https://www.origoldstein.com/ Ori Goldstein: Revolutionizing the Art of Personal Growth and Healing Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:16:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.origoldstein.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/OG-Favicon-1.svg OriGoldstein.com https://www.origoldstein.com/ 32 32 I am NOT a healer! – If anything, I’m a midwife. https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/11/i-am-not-a-healer-if-anything-im-a-midwife/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-am-not-a-healer-if-anything-im-a-midwife https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/11/i-am-not-a-healer-if-anything-im-a-midwife/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 15:47:18 +0000 https://www.origoldstein.com/?p=2229 If there’s one popular misconception I’d like to address, it’s this: I am not a healer. The simple truth is that you are not broken, and there is nothing about you that needs fixing. This truth is foundational to our work together because I don’t see myself as some kind of healer or mechanic but […]

The post I am NOT a healer! – If anything, I’m a midwife. first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post I am NOT a healer! – If anything, I’m a midwife. appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.

If there’s one popular misconception I’d like to address, it’s this: I am not a healer.

The simple truth is that you are not broken, and there is nothing about you that needs fixing. This truth is foundational to our work together because I don’t see myself as some kind of healer or mechanic but rather as your guide on the most profound transformation of your life – your literal rebirth. That being the case, if I were to adopt a title, it wouldn’t be “healer,” but rather “spiritual midwife.”

And, just like a midwife who’s witnessed the miracle of childbirth countless times, I also know the outcome of your journey – the baby you will birth – because I’ve seen it, and I know it’s there within you, dormant but very much alive, right this very moment.

Just like every other being in this world, you have a radiant, authentic self within you, the beauty of which could bring tears of awe to your eyes if you knew the truth of its magnificence. And please understand, I’m not saying this in some spiritual, woo-woo, or mumbo-jumbo sort of way. I am telling you that there exists an essence so pure and so beautiful within you right now that, once released, the kind of light it will cast on this world will be truly awe-inspiring.

How can I be so sure? Because we were all born with it. It’s our true nature, it’s the uninhibited smile on an innocent baby’s face, the gentle coo that escapes its lips without a care for circumstance. All that has happened is that the light of this authentic self was suppressed by our well-meaning families, school systems, and society trying to make us fit into what was expected of us. This suppression led us to doubt this inner being’s urges and impulses and to vilify our own desires. We doubted ourselves and told ourselves we were wrong and different because we didn’t fit into the mold.

My role is to guide you out of the shadows of societal conditioning, the hell of false self-perception, and the belief that there’s something wrong with you. Our work is not to mend a damaged spirit, but to birth your authentic self that’s always been there waiting quietly, shrouded by layers of fear, self-doubt, and societal judgement. And, with this rebirth, comes an exhilarating transformation. You’ll not just change; you’ll transmute into the most powerful version of yourself.

To me, this process of self-transformation shares more similarities with childbirth than with any form of remedial healing or coaching. And, just like in childbirth, the labor is solely yours to bear. I will be there to help and guide you, but our collaborative journey involves an intensive and courageous process of self-examination and honesty. You will have to be the one to delve deeply and face parts of yourself and your past that you may have chosen to repress or ignore. But, also just like in childbirth, in undergoing this process, you give birth to a new life – your authentic self, radiating an unwavering state of love, peace, faith, and joy, regardless of external circumstances.

As your spiritual midwife, I am here to ensure the conditions for your rebirth are right, to facilitate your transition through the discomfort and the growing pains of birthing your authenticity. But remember, the journey is yours and yours alone –  it is you who must push, you who must breathe life into your true self.

Living as your true self, wholly and unapologetically, will have a profound impact not just on you but on everyone you encounter. Your light will shine brighter, your energy will become more potent, and your influence on this world will magnify. Fearless and empowered, you will become the creator of your own life, a beacon of authenticity, inspiring others and contributing to the evolution of the world around you.

This is when you finally get to enjoy life’s true playground, where you can dance freely and inspire others to do the same. Are you ready to embark on this journey of transformation? The world is waiting for your light. It’s time for you to be reborn!

The post I am NOT a healer! – If anything, I’m a midwife. first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post I am NOT a healer! – If anything, I’m a midwife. appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.

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Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/10/psychedelics-are-to-thought-what-qubits-are-to-computing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=psychedelics-are-to-thought-what-qubits-are-to-computing https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/10/psychedelics-are-to-thought-what-qubits-are-to-computing/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 03:07:46 +0000 https://www.origoldstein.com/?p=2226 Have you heard about the digital revolution brought by the qubit in quantum computing? Unlike traditional binary bits in our computers that switch between 0 and 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or both simultaneously. This ability exponentially expands computational power, launching us into an infinite realm of possibilities – the realm of the […]

The post Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.

Have you heard about the digital revolution brought by the qubit in quantum computing? Unlike traditional binary bits in our computers that switch between 0 and 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or both simultaneously. This ability exponentially expands computational power, launching us into an infinite realm of possibilities – the realm of the analog.

Interestingly, there exists a similar revolution in the realm of consciousness – the exploration of thought with psychedelics. Just as qubits transform computing, psychedelics can change our thinking from a binary, linear format into an expansive, analog one. They help us tap into the endless potential of our minds, revealing insights we can barely fathom in our everyday state.

Think about it. Our usual consciousness works like traditional computing. Efficiently making decisions: right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. Such linear thinking is undoubtedly effective, but it often lacks depth and creativity. It confines us within repetitive thought patterns and limits our ability to perceive nuance and interconnectedness. Psychedelics offer a way out of this box. They immerse you into a fluid realm of imagination, intuition, and insight, pushing your mind into uncharted territories.

Psychedelics increase neural connectivity, heighten imagination, and expand our sense of self. They break us free from the constraints of familiar, linear thinking and, in doing so, allow us to perceive the world in a kaleidoscope of possibilities, unrestricted by our usual logical boundaries. And, just like a quantum computer can solve complex problems in a fraction of the time it would take a traditional one, a brain in a psychedelic state can generate profound insights and creative solutions that might take our conscious minds years, or even decades, to reach otherwise.

Now, let’s bring this into the realm of healing. Imagine feeling trapped by anxiety, fear, or a past trauma. Your regular thought processes, and, often, even therapy, can end up even strengthening these chains – trapping you in a self-repeating cycle of pain and helplessness. Psychedelics, when used appropriately, can shatter these chains. By moving into the boundless realm of psychedelic consciousness, you can revisit your past, confront your present, shape your future, and glean insights that, otherwise, could seem unimaginable.

For instance, consider someone unable to release the pain and stress of a past traumatic experience. This person might find themselves trapped in a narrative of victimhood and suffering, digging deeper with each unsuccessful attempt at “dealing with it.” In contrast, under the influence of psychedelics, they might gain a broader view of their experience, perceiving their trauma not just as a source of pain, but also as a catalyst for growth and resilience. This shift in perspective doesn’t negate the reality of their past trauma, but it offers a more balanced view, revealing silver linings and opportunities for healing that were unimaginable before. Very often, these added insights are all that is necessary for the person to put such painful memories into a healthier perspective and find closure and wholeness where, previously, there was only pain and aloneness.

And these changes are not fleeting. These new insights, coupled with the formation of new neural pathways during a psychedelic experience, literally rewire the mind to experience things differently. Just imagine the power of that – leaving a psychedelic session with your brain literally rewired around a previous traumatic event such that you simply see and think about it completely differently. Not because you’re trying to “talk yourself down” or to stop thinking about it, but, literally because you have created new paths for your previously stuck thoughts to flow down. Paths leading to a sense of peace, understanding, forgiveness, power, or comfort. For many, this can be a brand new lease on their entire lives!

However, psychedelics are not magical panaceas. Stan Grof, a renowned expert in the field, emphasized the significance of “set and setting” in psychedelic sessions. This means that the mindset, preparation, and environment in which the psychedelic session takes place play a crucial role in its outcome. Additionally, it is essential to differentiate between recreational use and the respectful utilization of these powerful medicines for their profound healing potential. When used responsibly, the psychedelic state can truly create near-instantaneous and life-changing results.

Together with this, in my personal experience, while a freeform psychedelic journey can bring about powerful healing and insights, the most profound transformations occur through a methodology I developed and named “Guided Psychedelic Reprocessing & Re-Conditioning” (GPRR). In GPRR, while the individual is within the psychedelic state, I act as a guide and help them consciously explore their thoughts and emerging emotions. We then use the powerful tools of hypnotic anchoring and regression, affirmations, and reframing to harness the heightened creativity and expanded awareness that the psychedelic state offers us. This enables us to completely re-process outdated beliefs and memories and to re-condition the person into brand new thought processes around the old, previously trapping experiences. The outcomes achieved through GPRR are genuinely extraordinary, surpassing expectations and often leading to near-miraculous shifts and profound healings in people’s lives.

In summary, psychedelics truly represent a profound shift in our ability to heal, perceive, think, and comprehend ourselves and the world around us. When approached with care and respect, they hold the potential for a quantum leap towards self-discovery, personal transformation, and ultimately, liberation.

Just like we’ve seen the exponential growth in technology these past few years, the mind-revolution is also ramping up – the opportunity to create a life aligned with your unique gifts and dreams, free from the pains and traumas that have long weighed down your heart is here. It is my sincere hope that this will break the heart of this world wide, wide open!

The post Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.

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We Are All Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/02/why-we-are-all-wolves-in-sheeps-clothing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-we-are-all-wolves-in-sheeps-clothing https://www.origoldstein.com/2022/08/02/why-we-are-all-wolves-in-sheeps-clothing/#respond Tue, 02 Aug 2022 16:32:08 +0000 https://www.origoldstein.com/?p=1475 Imagine a world of only wolves – wild, untamed, and free. Creatures of immense power and individuality, each bearing a distinct howl that resonates with their own, unique spirit. Now, contrast that with a world of sheep – docile, anxious, uniform. Blending into one another and following the flock without question. These two creatures may […]

The post We Are All Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post We Are All Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.


Imagine a world of only wolves – wild, untamed, and free. Creatures of immense power and individuality, each bearing a distinct howl that resonates with their own, unique spirit. Now, contrast that with a world of sheep – docile, anxious, uniform. Blending into one another and following the flock without question. These two creatures may seem unrelated, but they perfectly capture the essence of our societal struggle.

Make no mistake, your first breath in this world was as a wolf – a unique being of untamed and infinite potential. You were born to howl your own song, to forge your own path, to live courageously, freely, and authentically. But here’s the catch: the world you were born into demands that you be a sheep.

The harsh reality is this: society – our families, schools, culture – works tirelessly, albeit unknowingly, to forcefully transform each and every one of us into a docile sheep. This transformation starts in infancy, when our sense of self is still non-existent. Our parents, themselves molded by society and conditioned with a sheep mentality, lead us down the path they were forced to walk – the path of conformity. They teach us the rules of the game and, in doing so, extinguish the first sparks of our unique identities.

They don’t do this out of spite, but out of a deep-seated belief that they are doing what is needed for us to survive in this world. They guide us along the only path they believe to be truly safe, the one that socially has approved. They force us to “fit in” and punish us when we don’t. We quickly learn that survival means sticking to these rules, suppressing our unique voices – and so, we put on the first layer of the sheep’s clothing.

This relentless need to conform then infiltrates every relationship in our lives. Fear of judgment or rejection makes us prioritize blending in over being true to ourselves. We quickly learn to mirror the group, mimic the norms, and suppress any hint of deviation that might set us apart. We are then funnelled into schools and eventually the workforce, both functioning as factories of uniformity – punishing any “outliers” who stray too far from the herd mentality. Our TV shows, movies, and social media bombard us with images of a world where the “cool people” are those who fit in and the outcasts are either pitied or demonized.

As a result, we find ourselves in a world where suppressing our inner wolves is not just encouraged but celebrated. It’s a world that punishes and ostracizes those who stand out from the flock.

However, this intense societal conditioning creates an inner conflict. We are wolves by nature, and this imposed sheep mentality fundamentally opposes our true selves. Despite the relentless societal pressure, our inner wolf refuses to be silenced entirely.

This inner conflict between our true nature and societal expectations causes significant discomfort and distress. Deep down, we know we’re different. Our unique thoughts, feelings, and desires set us apart from the herd. But we fear these differences. Afraid of judgment, rejection, and being excluded from the tribe we’ve been trained to depend on. Our own inner voices judge us for being too different and criticize others who don’t fit the prescribed societal mold.

This fear is not unfounded. As children, our survival depended on being accepted by our family and community. The threat of exclusion wasn’t just social, but a matter of life and death. To ensure our survival, we learned to repress our true selves, to put on the mask of conformity, and to transform into sheep.

However, denying our true nature comes with a heavy price. Suppressing our inner wolf leads to a sense of alienation, a feeling of never truly belonging. It creates a disconnect between who we truly are and who we pretend to be, resulting in deep-seated anxieties and depression. We find ourselves trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and self-criticism, incessantly wondering if there’s something inherently wrong with us.

The wolf within us, our true self, is at odds with the sheep we are forced to be. The stress of this internal battle, of continuously suppressing our authentic selves, manifests as mental and emotional disorders. We begin to question our worth, our identity, and our place in the world. We are wolves trying to navigate a world designed for sheep, and this struggle takes a toll on our hearts, minds, and souls.

The reality is this: we are not flawed for feeling different. We feel different because we are, in fact, different. This conditioning, this pervasive programming — it’s not absolute. It’s not a life sentence. The wolf within each one of us may be suppressed, but it cannot be extinguished. It lies in wait, patient and resilient, ready for the moment when we gather the courage to recognize it, to acknowledge it, to let it step out from the shadows and back into the light of our consciousness.

We were born as wolves, unique and powerful, and it is the suppression of this natural state that has led us to question our inherent worth. It’s time we accept our true nature.

So, I ask you: Are you ready to shed the sheep’s clothing that’s been forced upon you? Are you ready to unleash the powerful wolf within?

The time for awakening is now. Let’s not wander aimlessly in fields of sameness but instead roam freely in the wilderness of our true potential. Let us be wolves, my friends. Can you feel that spark of potential deep within you, the same spark that was present at the moment of your birth? It’s still there, patiently waiting, yearning for expression. It’s that inkling you get when you see someone courageously step out of line, that sense of awe when you witness an act of authenticity, that surge of inspiration when you watch someone unapologetically embracing their uniqueness.

Remember, our parents, our teachers, our peers – they didn’t mean to stifle this spark. They were also victims of the same societal conditioning that has been passed down through generations. But now that you’ve seen the truth, you can choose differently. You can choose to step into your power, to embrace your unique strengths, to let your inner wolf guide your way.

Leaving the herd won’t be easy. It’s a journey fraught with resistance, doubt, and fear. Some, perhaps even most, will try to pull you back into the flock. They will question your decisions, doubt your capabilities, fear your courage, and guilt-trip you for changing. They will not be doing it out of spite but out of their own insecurities, fears, and conditioning.

But remember, the path of a wolf is not a path of conflict or rebellion. It is a path of authenticity, of courage, of unwavering faith in one’s own power. It’s about standing your ground, not in defiance of the sheep, but in honor of your true nature.

This journey of transformation can change not just your own life but also the lives of those around you. Once you step into your power and align with your true nature, you become a beacon of inspiration. Those same people who doubted and ridiculed you will quickly come to respect and admire you. Your courage to embrace your uniqueness will give others the permission to do the same. This is how we change society – one wolf at a time.

So I implore you, dear friend, don’t let the world dim your light. Don’t let the fear of exclusion keep you from your truth. Cast off the sheep’s clothing that was forced upon you. Embrace your true self, your inner wolf, and let its power guide your path. You are not here to simply conform and survive. You are here to thrive, to create, to lead. You are here to be a wolf. Answer the call!

The post We Are All Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing first appeared on OriGoldstein.com.

The post We Are All Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing appeared first on OriGoldstein.com.

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