About Me

About Ori

For over 20 years, I have passionately dedicated myself to empowering individuals to quickly and effectively transform their lives. I’ve worked extensively with thousands of people, taught countless transformative classes, and pioneered innovative methodologies and techniques that consistently manage to redefine the limits of rapid and lasting change.

Driving my success where others fail is a philosophy deeply rooted in a fundamental belief: We are not broken or flawed beings in need of repair. Instead, within each of us lies an authentic self, brimming with immeasurable power and untapped potential, just buried under thick layers of societal conditioning and self-doubt. My mission is to guide individuals in peeling away these layers, embracing their true power, and living lives of unwavering authenticity, unrestrained self-assurance, and deeply meaningful purpose.

Among my significant contributions to the field is the development of Guided Psychedelic Reprocessing and Reconditioning (GPRR). This revolutionary approach blends extremely potent tools such as Deep-Trance Hypnosis, Somatic Release Work, NLP, and Affirmations, not only alongside but also integrated directly within psychedelic sessions. This unique integration enables accelerated, profound, and near-miraculous healing and personal growth within strikingly short time frames.

However, my vision extends beyond individual transformation. As the founder of Human Evolution Movement, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating a much-needed “tribe of evolved leaders” in this world, I am committed to cultivating a group of individuals who have done the inner work necessary to transcend their conditioning and fully realize their most authentic selves. These leaders will naturally serve as living proof of the boundless potential of authentic self-realization, inspiring and lighting the way for others with their profound inner peace and unwavering radiance. Guided by this vision, our organization aims to ignite a powerful ripple of personal change that can surge into an unstoppable tsunami of societal evolution.

If you find yourself knowing there’s something bigger meant for you and yearning for genuine and lasting happiness, inner peace, and joy, then you’ve found what you’ve been looking for. Under my intuitive guidance and compassionate support, you will connect with your authentic self — living boldly, unapologetically, and truly aligned with your full potential.